We’re the minority partner in 11 formal partnerships with Indigenous-owned businesses across Canada. These partnerships combine our technical capabilities with local knowledge and experience to deliver quality services. Whether contributing to sustainable resource development or building communities, the projects these partnerships undertake require an understanding of culture, community values, and a commitment to fostering mutually beneficial relationships.
CRE-Stantec Limited
Boundary Waters Engineering LP
Kahsenah LP
K’alo-Stantec Limited
Aivek Stantec LP
Kahsenah LP
Boundary Waters Engineering LP
K’alo-Stantec Limited
CRE-Stantec Limited
Aivek Stantec LP
Kahsenah LP was formed in 2015 in partnership with Constance Lake First Nation (CLFN). The company was established to assist the community of CLFN in building capacity by providing environmental and engineering services both on and off-reserve and throughout Ontario. The partnership provides civil engineering, environmental engineering, project management, planning, and development.
Founded in 2000, KAVIK-STANTEC is a unique blend of Inuvialuit majority ownership and management with respected and experienced northern consulting and community consultation experience. Recognized as a leading environmental impact assessment and protection planning company in northern Canada, KAVIK-STANTEC has expertise in study design, understanding regulatory frameworks, field data collection, public consultation, traditional knowledge studies, analysis, data interpretation, and reporting.
KAVIK-STANTEC has extensive experience providing environmental solutions for industry, territorial, and federal regulatory agencies, co-management organizations, and communities in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Mackenzie Delta and the Mackenzie Valley, the eastern and high Arctic, and other areas of the Northwest Territories, and Yukon Territory.
K’alo-Stantec Limited was established in 2012 with Indigenous partners Jimmy Mendo (owner of Willowlake Environmental) and BJ Services NWT (majority owned by Lorraine Doctor) to provide the full suite of environmental consulting services throughout the Tulita District of the Sahtu Settlement Area, Northwest Territories.
Stantec’s Tulita partners are business owners and operators who have long-standing relationships with the oil and gas industry operating in the region. Stantec and its partners have committed to an exclusive business relationship and plan to capitalize on the increasing opportunities in the oil and gas and transportation sectors in the Tulita District.
CRE-Stantec, established in 2013, is a partnership between Christina River Enterprises (CRE), the economic development office of Fort McMurray #468 First Nation (FM#468FN), and Stantec Consulting Ltd. CRE is solely owned by FM#468FN and has been delivering quality services and workmanship to the resource development industries since 1987.
Stantec is the legal operator of CRE-Stantec and supports CRE-Stantec through certified health, safety and environment programs, execution support, technical expertise, and Stantec’s certificate of recognition (COR). CRE-Stantec brings together the local presence and experience of CRE with the technical capabilities and experience of Stantec to deliver a full suite of environmental and other consulting services to clients throughout the municipality of Wood Buffalo while providing employment, training, and investment in the local community.
Boundary Waters Engineering LP was formed in 2016 in partnership with Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation, Mitaanjigamiing First Nation, Couchiching First Nation, and Seine River First Nation. The partnership provides civil and environmental engineering, project management, planning, and development.
This company was formed in 2008 with Aivektuuk Inc., a wholly owned Inuit subsidiary of Aivek Holdings Inc. in Nain, Labrador. The Inuit partnership with Stantec provides environmental and engineering consulting services within Nunatsiavut and other northern regions.
Aivek has successful relationships with industry throughout Labrador, including ongoing collaboration with several firms in the mining industry, and Inuit, provincial, and federal government departments.
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Stassinu Stantec LP
Stassinu Stantec LP
Oshki-Aki LP
Oshki-Aki LP
Nunami Stantec Limited
Nunami Stantec Limited
Neegan Naynowan Stantec LP
Neegan Naynowan Stantec LP
KI 209 Engineering LP
KI 209 Engineering LP
Stassinu Stantec is a majority Innu-owned company incorporated in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2009 as a partnership between Stassinu Services Inc. (SSI) and Stantec. SSI is a 100 percent Innu-owned company based in Natuashish, Labrador. Stassinu Stantec was formed to provide environmental sciences and engineering, management consulting, and logistics in Nitassinan, Labrador (Innu Lands).
SSI provides a combination of Innu knowledge and experience in various environmental and geological studies and has extensive experience working in remote field situations, which requires adaptable and flexible skills.
Oshki-Aki LP (Oshki-Aki) was formed in 2011 in partnership with Fort William First Nation (FWFN). The firm was established to assist the community of FWFN in building capacity by providing engineering services both on and off-reserve, throughout Ontario, Canada, and elsewhere. The partnership provides civil engineering, environmental engineering, project management, planning, and development.
Nunami is a majority Inuit-owned consulting company that provides services throughout Nunavut. Nunami’s majority shareholders are the Sakku Investments Corporation (Sakku), owned by the Kivalliq Inuit Association, and the Kitikmeot Corporation (KC), the business development arm of the Kitikmeot Inuit Association. Stantec serves as the minority shareholder and legal operator. Both Sakku and KC are focused on developing an economy which promotes sustainable development as well as Inuit heritage, culture, and language.
The partnership, established in 2006, brings together the local presence and experience of Sakku and KC with the technical capabilities and experience of Stantec to deliver engineering and environmental solutions to Inuit, public, and private sector clients—creating value for beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Act. Nunami provides Inuit with capacity development, training, employment, and support for non-profit organizations.
Neegan Naynowan Stantec LP (NNS) is an Indigenous majority-owned firm with Attawapiskat First Nation (AttFN). NNS was formed in August 2006 and is an Attawapiskat Aboriginal Business, with Attawapiskat Development Corporation (ADC) as the majority partner. Attawapiskat, located in the James Bay Lowlands, has the De Beers Canada Victor Diamond Mine, the first diamond mine in Ontario, located on traditional lands.
NNS is an investment with Indigenous partners to provide scientific, engineering, and geosciences services in Ontario’s north including training and services such as environmental impact assessment, site assessments, environmental monitoring and sampling, mold assessments, and remediation technology.
KI 209 Engineering LP was formed in 2016 in partnership with Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation (KI). The company was established to assist the community of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug in building capacity by providing environmental and engineering services. The partnership provides civil engineering, environmental engineering, project management, planning, and development.