Explore Renewables
Design Features
Reduce Demand
Change Behavior
Design Efficient Systems
The Pyramid Approach:
The road to NZE/NZC
Click through the pyramid to see how our design
process leads to a sustainable building.
Explore Renewables
Add renewable energy capacity. The super-efficient building now requires a smaller renewable energy system to offset building energy
or carbon.
Design Efficient Systems
Develop an efficient mix of building systems; putting in a really efficient HVAC system or using LED lights.
Change behaviour
Reduce energy appetite by changing occupant behavior; putting lights on sensors or timers, teaching occupants to turn off monitors and use systems efficiently, and installing interactive building performance metering in public spaces.
Design Features
Refine the design with Passive House strategies which can include selection of materials choice, façade buildups, location of façade openings, the orientation of atriums, and shading devices.
Reduce Demand
Reduce building energy consumption as much as possible via a tight building envelope, insulated walls, airtight windows, high-quality roof products. Make sure the space is highly insulated and efficiently arranged while maximizing access to natural sunlight and ventilation.
Start at the top, hover
and click through each
step in the process of designing for Net Zero.